
Thursday, November 8, 2012

How Sweet It Is.....

Look at what one of my students made for me. I had to crop her name out but it's a very colorful, sparkly, feathery frame! 

I had to tell them I was having minor surgery tomorrow because they will have a sub for a few days (and they haven't had a sub yet). I hate missing school as much as they do...but at least I'll have this on my mantle to make me smile. Wasn't it just so thoughtful! I love it!


  1. Bless their sweet lil hearts! Love the littles-they do the sweetest things. We also HATE having subs and spending the time making sub plans. It's the worst.
    Hope all goes well with your surgery. Best wishes.
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  2. Thank you so much! Everything went well-now the hard part, resting! :) I was just looking at the clock thinking about what the kids would be doing now. It's going to be really hard to do that for a week.
