
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our New Community Service Project

I have a long list of things I want to teach my kiddos in the course of our school year. Along with the curriculum and the basics, I also want to instill in them a sense of compassion and community. We try to do several community service-type projects throughout the year. With Valentine's Day right around the corner. we have been talking about the spirit of friendship and wanted to something that might make the day of someone who maybe needs a smile. I saw this idea on a website with random acts of kindness---we are making gift bags that will be given out at a local clinic for chemotherapy patients. The patient will receive a decorated bag with things like chapstick, crossword puzzle books, magazines, ginger tea, etc-things that will hopefully make them feel more comfortable as they get their treatment. And of course, some get-well cards made by the kids. We got the bags done, they decorated them with fabric markers:

Now we are in the process of collecting donations and will hopefully have them ready to deliver by next week. 


  1. I love that your class does community service projects! These are the things they remember and you're shaping them into thoughtful citizens! My class and I went to the nursing home to sing Christmas carols in December and it's a wonderful experience for everyone involved! Such an exciting project for your kids!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  2. Oh I've always wanted to do that! I bet the nursing home residents really got a kick out of it! :)

  3. I'd like to do more things like this. I know they are so very important to our kids and their futures.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
