
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Being a Risk-Taker

One of the first conversations I have with a new class is about taking risks. Not like jumping off a roof on a skateboard kind of risk, but a raising your hand even if you aren't sure you have a good answer kind of risk. We make connections to this when we learn about historical figures or read stories where characters really took a risk to be who they truly are.

 We read several books throughout the year to drive that point home-some of my favorites:

As important as I think it is to encourage kids to be risk-takers in the classroom, I also think teachers need to model that themselves in their teaching. My OLW-(One Little Word) for this year is "bold" and I have referred back to that often in making a decision whether or not to try something new. It has definitely made me more of a risk-taker this year and I LOVE it! A few examples: I am doing celebrations to incorporate vocabulary instruction, my kids are making digital stories, I joined Instagram (Twitter is next :), next month I am trying student-led conferences, I started a club for enrichment-art and chess, a journalism club for a school newsletter, I am completely avoiding negative people. 

Did all of those things work out perfectly?-- no-but I believe we can always grow as teachers and trying new ideas is part of that, learning from our mistakes, retooling ideas to work better next time.

What risks have you taken this year or encouraged your kiddos to take?


  1. This is a great list! Thanks for sharing! And let me know when you start Twitter! I'm @terrieichholz !

  2. It's a great skill to teach our little ones. So many of them don't know how to take risks. Yet readers, writers, mathematicians, etc. must take risks all the time. Have you seen The Okay Book? It talks about how it's okay to be just okay at lots of things, because that's the only way to find out what you're really great at.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I haven't heard of that one Tammy-will add that to my wishlist. I think my kiddos would really respond to it from your description. I very much appreciate the suggestion! :)

  3. You are already on twitter! I retweeted one of your posts like a hundred times. You should read the book Thrive by Rami. It's brand new and fantastic...all about connections and how we grow our own PLC now. You'll love it. This post moved me. I love all those books and use them as well.

    1. I lurk on Twitter, but just haven't figured out the posting part yet! :) I will definitely look for that book-sounds like something right up my alley! Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Miss Trayers love your post! Hey you should take a look at Augmented Reality (AR) it would add a whole new world to reading!

    1. Thank you! I will definitely check out AR-thank you for the suggestion! :)
