
Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Power of Blogging

So I'm doing this extra credit PD assignment with Todd Nesloney (TechNinjaTodd) with the Educator Learning Series #EduLS. He offered ideas over the summer and I liked how it challenged me a bit, especially to try new technology-I have learned so much. He's doing it again and this week it's all about blogging. That happens to be something I know a little bit about. :)

I started this blog in 2010. I have posted 700 posts! I only have a little over 400 followers, however many of those are people that I have grown very close to over the years and feel more comfortable collaborating with than my own colleagues. I use those relationships often seeking feedback or sharing resources that I know specifically fit their mantras. I have shared my blog with my campus, but I don't think anyone there ever reads it.

I went back to my first post explaining the objective of the blog:

So I've been teaching Kindergarteners who have qualified for the label of Gifted and Talented for several years now. It's incredibly rewarding and at the same time incredibly challenging. These children are precocious, inquisitive and very easily bored-so they keep me on my toes!

It's not as easy as it looks! I'm always looking for creative ways to challenge and motivate these special young learners. I will post pics myself of some of the projects we do and regale you with some funny stories that used to be saved for family and friends. 

I've pretty much stuck to that viewpoint. I post a lot of ideas of how to challenge the young kiddos and I get e-mails and comments from teachers of older students that say they can use them too. Sometimes I get on my soapbox, but usually I just post activities we do in the classroom. I'm in kind of a weird place because even though I teach Kinder, it's not the cute fluffy activities that many people who blog from that grade level typically post.

I cannot believe that I've had that much to say. I look back on old posts all the time, reminding myself of activities that I liked or didn't like and want to retry another way. I think it's an amazing form of reflection. Kind of like journaling your ideas, but then also sharing them with others.

I encourage anyone and everyone to blog! I have grown so much as a teacher from that experience.


  1. I completely agree and I feel the same way about the collaborating that I do via the blogging community. There are certain bloggers like yourself who challenge me in a way my own colleagues can't.

  2. I don't have many followers at all, but I really like the journaling aspect of blogging. I too, like looking back and reading what I've done in the past, or how I've felt about things. It is a good way to reflect. Sara
