
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Where Have You Been?

I really don't usually go a week without blogging something. My goal is to post several times a week-even in the summer. I have had a very interesting past few weeks and have not been inspired to post anything (I haven't even been reading!). You see, 2 weeks before the end of the school year I found a lump in my breast. My first official day of summer vacation was spent in 4 hours of imaging-mammograms, ultrasounds and then finally the biopsy. I had to wait over a week for the test results and they came back as Stage 2 cancer. So then it was follow-up appointments, meeting an oncologist. I'm not sure yet if it will be a lumpectomy or a mastectomy (honestly it doesn't make a difference to me except the recovery time is harder for the latter). But I will be having surgery again in the next few weeks, followed by chemo and radiation.

The good news is I am very grateful that I found it and found it early. I am also glad that somehow the fates saw fit to have it happen during the summer. It would be really hard to schedule all these appointments during the school year. I am a pretty private person and really debated on whether or not to share. I don't know how parents will feel about a "sick" teacher working with their kiddos and I especially dread when it gets back to the students-because it will. However, I thought the benefit of extra support would be worth it. I also think that although we all know about cancer and even probably have known people who fought it, it's  a good reminder to get those regular mammograms when it happens to someone we know!

So I'll keep you guys posted and hopefully will be inspired again to post something educational again soon.


  1. Oh. I don't really have words. :/ Just ... keep the faith and continue to take care of yourself. And keep us posted. I think most parents would know even if you are not at the very top of their game ... they're still lucky kids to have you!

    1. I will, thank you! And thank you for your kind words.

  2. Ahh, I'm so very sorry to hear this. I'm a very private person as well, so I knew it took some courage to speak up. A few years ago I had calcium deposits in my left breast. I had to endure a needle biopsy. (That was for sure the worst thing I've ever experienced.) They couldn't get it all, so then I had to have surgical biopsy. Now they just keep an eye on me. In fact, my next mammogram is in July. Your situation is so different than mine though. I wish this was not your story. Please keep us posted about how things are going. I'll be praying. Take care friend.

    1. So you know-it's a harrowing process! Thank you for sharing that story and I will keep you posted-thanks Tammy!

  3. I am so very sorry. I also had stage 2 breast cancer in 2001. My 3 boys were very young at the time and I remember being so afraid that I would miss their lives. Now my youngest son just graduated and my oldest son will be married on Saturday. I have healed physically and emotionally. The road is hard but very worth it. I will be praying for you.

    1. Wow! So glad to hear that you have healed well. I am hearing many stories like this. They said actually now 90% of all breast cancer patients-regardless of the stage are still alive 5 years from now. Thank goodness for modern medicine! Enjoy that wedding-how exciting! :)

  4. Well that sucks! Cancer sucks! I am so sorry! I wish I could do or say something to make it all go away but I know there is nothing, so I am sending positive strong healing thoughts and prayers and a comfort hug. Please keep us posted or let me know if there is anything I can do.
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

    1. Yes, it does suck! Thank you for your positive vibes and I appreciate your kind words. as well :)

  5. I am always inspired by your posts and by your passion for teaching. I am sending (((hugs))) and wishes for restored health.

  6. Thank you for having the courage to share this. I know it has been, I am sure, a difficult and scary time for you. I hope you will be encouraged that your post will bring out the prayer warriors and "positive viber-s" too. I will be praying for you as you travel through this journey and hope you will indeed let us know if there is any way we can support you.

    1. Thank you so much Sue. It has been hard to share, but I'm glad I did! I appreciate the prayers and support! :)

  7. Wow! Words can not adequately describe what you must be going through. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. So sorry to hear this news. I am glad that you found it early. I hope you have family or friends nearby that can support you through this. Hugs and prayers for you and prayers as well for the medical team treating you.

  9. I'm sorry to hear this news, but am glad you shared. There's something about having a wider support group that can be comforting. Those of us who follow you here "know" you in a different way than your face-to-face contacts do, and sometimes it's easier to share some things with a group of people you don't have to run into on a daily basis--but who do care. I will be thinking good thoughts and keeping you in my prayers. -Virginia

  10. Gosh, I am glad that you shared this. Fighting cancer is not something you can do alone. So sorry that you have had this added on to your other health issues. :(
