
Saturday, July 4, 2015

An Update

So a few weeks ago I shared that what I am doing this summer is fighting breast cancer! I wanted to update you guys on how it's going. I had my surgery this past Thursday. They removed the lump, 2 lymph nodes and put in a port for chemotherapy. Everything went really well-I love my surgeon! Family members were giving me a hard time for going with my usual one when I could have gone to a specialist-but he is so passionate about what he does. He had 6 surgeries before me and was like "I'm so blessed that I get to help people". The pain has been pretty minimal which I am thankful for, but I still can't do too much yet because it pretty much affects my whole upper body-- which is pretty boring! My poor puppy Ruby has been so good, even without her usual walks in the park. She has been a good nurse although I think she thinks her bones have medicinal value, she keeps bringing them to me! :)

The next step will be chemo, which will be once every 3 weeks for 6 administrations. So basically 18 weeks from now I'll be done with that. Then comes the radiation treatments. 7 weeks of going EVERY weekday! My principal is going to explode as we try to calculate how to do that. Luckily it's only a half hour each day so maybe I can just come in a little bit late-I guess we'll figure something out. And after that I will be done and officially will be a survivor!

Thank you so much for your kind words, support and prayers. It means so much to me!


  1. A survivor in more ways than one! Thank you for the update. ((((Hugs)))) to you and sweet Ruby too. Debra

  2. I'll continue to pray. You've got this friend!

  3. I'm glad to get this update. You are being so upbeat and positive, and that can only help you to recover more quickly. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!

  4. Thanks for letting us all know how you are doing. I will continue to pray for you in the coming weeks. I appreciate your candor. You are an inspiration!

    1. You know I was reading an article about how much more stress it causes trying to keep things like this secret-don't need any extra stress! :) Thanks Sue!

  5. What!?! I didn't know you were going through this! Sending you big hugs and tons of positive vibes your way for a total recovery.

    1. Thank you Barbara! Need all the positive vibes I can get! :)

  6. Ruby looks like a pretty good nurse! And your doctor sounds awesome! That is definitely a huge plus.
