
Saturday, August 22, 2015

I Am Not Offended.....

So we are doing pre-service activities and talking about our evaluation process yesterday and we are supposed to choose 2 criteria to work on throughout the year. Now I could choose 12! :) Because I know that there are a lot of things I could work on. One of our admins came over and asked if we needed anything and I jokingly said "yes, tell me what goals I should choose" and she said "Miss Trayers, you know the way you teach is just really out there, I don't understand a lot of what you do, so I wouldn't even know what to tell you". My GT coordinator flat out tells parents I'm "weird" in my ideas when she gives tours to prospective families.

Now some may have be offended by that, but I actually take it as a compliment. I, like Molly Lou Melon, Vashti, Unique Monique and Tacky the Penguin strive to be different! I don't want to be like everyone else teaching from the same lesson plans they have used for 20 years. I don't want to do the same cut-and-paste "projects" that someone printed from TPT or create the same cutesy bulletin board someone else pinned on Pinterest. I want to be a trailblazer! I want to take risks, I want to be the rebel. I want to discover the new technology, the new strategy. 

So call me "different" or "weird" all you want to...I will smile and say "thank you"! :)


  1. Good for you! The most innovative thinkers are those who step out of the comfort zone.

    1. I completely agree Sylvia. If everyone just went along with the herd we'd still be listening to records right now! :)

  2. Bravo! Like Vashti, you are making your mark. And it's a good thing.

  3. And that is exactly why I follow your blog and take notes! Keep being "weird," the field of education and your students need you!!

    1. Thanks so much Kelsey! I will keep being weird! :) I'm not sure I could stop if I tried.

    2. I had to come back to this post.
      Over the past few years my (now previous) principal has mentioned about how I can't just do what everyone else is doing and how she's had to "let go" and just let me do my thing. I had been at my previous school for so long that the people around me just finally accepted my weirdness and crazy thoughts/ideas.
      Well, now I'm at a new school and I'm realizing what my past principal was saying. I do teach (and think) differently. I spent the first part of the school year trying to "fit in" and boy-oh-boy was I miserable. I'm getting back to being me and I'm enjoying teaching a lot more again. I am certainly not a cookie-cutter teacher and I'm realizing that I can't make myself be one.
      I may not feel understood in my building (yet), but I'm thankful that I'm not alone. Thanks again for your post!

    3. Yes, I completely understand feeling that way. I'm glad you are getting back to who you are. I wish you could work on our team! :)

  4. I love your attitude. I know you're not looking for validation, but I do wish your leadership would acknowledge the great things you're doing. :)

    1. Thanks Tammy! Some people just aren't very open-minded when it comes to new ideas. What are you going to do? :)

  5. Your blog is one of the few I read on a regular basis, and it is precisely because you stand out. You are right to consider that a compliment!

    1. Thanks Terri! You know I feel the same way about your blog! :)
