
Friday, October 16, 2015

Our First Community Service Project

So I shared with you guys that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer over the summer. I have been undergoing chemo treatments throughout the school year and have my last one today!!! I'm very excited to be done with this step of the process. Definitely not for sissies!

Well, I wanted to share with you a couple of things. First we made worry stones for me to take to the chemo treatment center today. The kids wrote the words and painted them. I had to use varnish over top because the paint was chipping off. I will deliver these today for patients to take and hopefully to encourage them.

Now in the beginning I really debated on whether to share this journey with colleagues or not. I knew I would be losing my hair so not really that easy to hide. I didn't want it getting back to the students because I didn't want them to worry about me. Most of their experiences with cancer lead back to losing someone from it and I didn't want them to think that was going to happen to me. But I did end up sharing it and I'm really glad I did-the support has just been overwhelming!

Wednesday we did our wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Day--look what I walked in to see:

Isn't that incredible! The kids kept asking if it was my birthday! :)

The 5th Grade teachers had their kids write messages for me. I did not teach this group because I looped up the year they were in Kinder and then looped back. But I know many of them from the clubs that I do-I do a book club and our Student Council. These are just some of them. Look how sweet and inspiring:

One good thing that has come out of this is I am trying to celebrate things more. I went to my first ever student birthday party. Usually I decline those invitations because if you go to one and then don't attend someone else's some parents claim favoritism. But Ruby (my german shepherd) and I were invited and it was in the park and it was a beautiful day, so we went. I talk about Ruby in class all the time so she was like a celebrity to those kiddos.

She even had her own treat bag! 

Just thought I'd share some heart-warming things from my week! :)


  1. I just love everything about this. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all. I continue to think of you and pray.

    1. Thank you so much Tammy! I really do appreciate it! :)

  2. Sylvia Parker has left a new comment on your post "Our First Community Service Project":

    I love how your school community has come together to rally for you.

    1. I don't know why your comment didn't publish the first time Sylvia but here it is. Thak you so much-it was a bit of a surprise considering our usual morale! :)

  3. Sounds like you're getting lots of love and support from your school community:)
    I'm glad you've finished with the chemo!
    Hugs to you and Ruby!
