
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Reading Log

I use Goodreads to track the books I have read. I try to set goals for myself and although it's not about reducing reading to a number or anything, sometimes I just need to motivate myself to read more. And honestly, you know I'm getting old-sometimes I use it to go back and find a certain title I know I read.

Last year I read 27 books, the year before that it was 5. I am busy with school and everything, but on top of that I'm a pretty slow reader. My goal for myself this year was to read 40 books--I ended up reading 55! Not only that, I challenged myself to read some classics I have always wanted to read, as well as some non-fiction books--which is out of my wheelhouse. I am proud of myself for making a commitment to reading more this year.

I usually share what I am reading, these are my latest books:

A recommendation that was made for me-more like a little novella or short story, but extremely well-written and moving. If I had a family, it would be a yearly tradition to read this story together.

I liked this story. The audiobook is narrated really well. A good no-frills mystery.

I read Gillian's (like we're on a first name basis or something :) Gone Girl before everyone else did (and before they made the movie of it) and I liked that story, I like being surprised by plot twists. Her Dark Places really disappointed me. So I read this one with some trepidation--but I ended up liking it. I saw the ending coming and figured out the whodunit, but I still think it was an intriguing story, disturbing...but intriguing.

For my 3rd-5th book club this year:

I really liked this one, even though I'm not usually a fan of time travel. I liked that the ending, although maybe expected, didn't happen in a cliched way-everything didn't go as planned with the characters. It's about a little girl whose father is unjustly found guilty of a crime and sent to death row. They go back in time to correct events that would change that verdict. The kids really liked it.

A very predictable ghost story. I can totally see them making a Lifetime movie out of this one.

I like Kevin Henkes, but really didn't understand the point of this book. It was a perfect example of what we tell our young writers not to do and that is to kind flounder all over the place, plot-wise. Not a bad story, but just hard to get into.

On a personal note, I had the port for my chemo surgically removed today! Yay for being able to wear v-necks again! Next step will be radiation, which is going to be hard because I have to go EVERY day for 7 weeks. Doesn't really fit into my schedule-know what I mean. But we do what we have to do.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday! :)


  1. Miss Trayers, may you have a happy holiday too. Thank you for sharing your reading selections. 55 books!!! Congratulations. Thinking of you as you begin your next step. debra

  2. I never comment on Blogs--I don't know why...anyway, just wanted to tell you how much a look forward to your posts, I read many books you recommend and best of luck moving forward! Justine.

  3. Hello--I just want to tell you how much I look forward to your posts, I love the books you recommend (glad you're reading more), and good thoughts to you moving forward. I admire you!

  4. I really enjoyed Gone Girl but haven't read anything else by her. Is this one disturbing in a really disturbing way? :)

  5. Well, she's a cutter and the murders she is investigating involve children. It's not one of those that sticks with you disturbing, but parts of it are hard to envision.
