
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Valentines to Wilbur

So I was watching some video samples on ByrdseedTV:

Which I have to do at home, by the way because the site is blocked by my district-it's considered "entertainment". ;)

If you are looking for ways not only to challenge your kiddos, but to be innovative in your teaching--this is a great resource. I am always finding new ideas here that I can adapt to my little ones. It's totally worth the subscription! Ian is very good at sharing ways to challenge our kiddos.

Anyway, this is the sample of the lesson I used today:

One of those ideas where you say-why didn't I ever think of that?! So we just started reading Charlotte's Web and the students got a kick out of Fern carrying her little piglet around like a baby. So I had them write valentines to Wilbur from Fern. I emphasized that it shouldn't just be "I love you" but I wanted them to include details from the story-some did better than others in that regard.

Here's what they came up with:

Your fur is white as snow and your eyes are dazzling with love. 
You are the greatest.

I like your fur. If I were a pig we are supposed to kiss.

I miss you, hope to see you soon.

I love doing things for you and I'm glad I have a cute little pig.

Why don't you come to Kindergarten?

I love you. I hope you come back. 
I will miss you very much.

I love you because you are Valentine love.

I will visit you at your house.

It was challenging for them to write as the character (as you can see some of them wrote the Fern said or Wilbur said-instead of writing in that voice)-but this is exactly what we practice with multiple perspectives. I'm going to try this again before Valentine's Day is over-I'm thinking maybe a letter from MLK to Harriet Tubman or something that aligns with our Black History Month activities, but I do expect it will be easier for them the second time around.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, can't you just hear their little wheels turning? You're so good at inspiring them to think big!
