
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Recent Reads

I know I am not as voracious a reader as some people (ahem, Tammy! :). But the goal I set for myself this year was to read 50 books and so far I am on track for completing that. I'm up to 21 that I've read since January and I'm very proud of myself!

Because I think the best part about reading books is sharing and discussing them with others, these are my latest reads. 

I don't like to read reviews of books online until after I've read a book. I've noticed a trend recently where many of the books that I've read have really split reviews-they are apparently love 'em or hate 'em books.

This is a really amazing story-and it's based on true events surrounding the last female executed in Iceland. Extremely well-written.

I am usually not a fan of apocalypse-type stories, but this one intrigued me. The protagonist is one of the people not stricken with an illness that is taking the world by storm. Memory is affected and eventually people lose all brain function. She was adopted and is focused on finding her biological mother to see if she survived the illness. Reviewers who panned this book did not like the disjointedness of the story. It was really more like 3 different novellas woven together. But I think maybe that was purposeful on the part of the author-that memory is a very disjointed phenomena to begin with.

And in looking for an image to use I just discovered that they have already made a movie of this book and I have it my Netflix queue! Did not make the connection at all. This is a story about 3 classmates growing up in what seems like a private school. But there's a big twist to their real purpose in life. I actually found the book very enjoyable.


  1. Haven't heard of any of them. Ooops. Perhaps my head is too much in the kidlit/YA sandbox. I'm behind on my reading goal but summer is coming. That's where I'll catch up. #bookaday

  2. My voraciousness has slowed down the past few weeks! I need to fix that. I like a good twist, so I'll have to add Never Let Me Go to my list. By the way, you might enjoy Red Queen.

    1. I get weeks like that too. It helps that I've been checking books out from the library-I have a deadline looming. :)Will check Red Queen out. Thank you for the recommendation!
