
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Student-Led Conferences

Just finished one of my favorite events of the year--every Spring I have my kiddos invite their parents into the classroom afterschool to do conferences where the students review their growth throughout the year. I am required to have data folders where the students chart their goals and their progress toward those goals. I did originally balk at that idea for Kinder students, but the kids actually really benefit from seeing that visual for their progress.

 I use reading fluency, reading levels (F&P) and their scores from the reading program we use I-station. The students also show their parents their journals and the growth in writing as well as sharing their favorite activities/books from the class this year. 

Some of the kiddos got very shy (even though we did practice with partners this week), some jumped right in proud of their accomplishments. I highly recommend doing this with your kiddos at some point during the year, I think it really helps them understand where they've come from and where they are going academically!

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