
Monday, August 1, 2016

My New School Year Resolutions

At this time of year my thoughts turn to reflection. What am I going to do differently this year? Last year, as many of you know was a tough year for me. At this time last year I was going through my first chemo treatment and I had a roster of 15 boys in my class! I haven't seen my roster yet for this year, however I do know that I definitely have more energy going into this process. This is going to be my year! I am going to be on fire this year! So what's going to be different:

1) I am going to implement Inquiry Journals. I read a lot about inquiry this summer and am going to have the kiddos be more conscious of asking questions and making them good questions. We are going to record them in journals this year.

2) I am finally going to jump into this Maker Movement. I have wanted to do it for years, this year it's definitely on the menu. Every Friday afternoon will be committed to have the kiddos create, invent--make something.

3) Coding-I did a lot with my little Coding Club last year and I'm going to continue that, but I'm also going to try to put it into my regular classroom curriculum more often.

4) STEM skills-I am going to do a better job of not only doing more science experiments, but engineering activities as well. I have a ton of blocks that I am going to utilize to have the kids build bridges and create cities with.

5) Celebrations-as I posted before I plan to do a lot more celebrating this year. We will celebrate National Hot Dog Day. I have a list of cheers to use with them. We'll play music as they enter the room in the morning so we can start the day dancing. I want them to really enjoy their school experience.

There are more, but those are my Top 5 for this year.

What are some of your resolutions for this upcoming school year?

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking about the Maker movement too. My list is way long, probably too long in fact. We'll see if I can keep my sanity in the process. :)
