
Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Summer Reading Continues

I did not read as many books for fun as I wanted to this summer, but here are my latest reads:

I am trying to broaden my horizons and read more non-fiction. I am a huge fan of the Princess Bride and can quote lines quite fluently. I found the stories from behind the scenes very interesting. For example, the writer came in as they were setting Buttercup on fire in the Fire Swamp and he started screaming "she's on fire!"--he didn't realize they were filming. There were parts that were kind of dull but also parts where I laughed out loud-so I think it's worth reading if you are a fan.

This book really perplexed me. I could tell when I started reading it that this had to have written by someone who actually experienced treatment for cancer (the author's wife had to endure that process) because it was pretty realistic in the descriptions of the frustrations you face. I couldn't follow the story though-it went back and forth between past, present and I think even the future. I wanted to read to the end (it's a pretty long book) to find out what happened to her and I'm not even sure how it ended. Very confusing to me-I would not recommend this one.

This was a quick read. A couple is taking a road trip with their dog and have to face some issues they are working on in their relationship. The ending pretty much crushed me as an animal lover-but I thought it was an interesting character study.

I really liked this book. I thought it was incredibly well-written and loved the philosophy of languages that is found throughout. It's the story of a girl during the Holocaust who is taken care of by a stranger. I don't read reviews until after I read the book and people are very torn with this one-they either loved it or hated it. Many people did not like the ending, thought it was a strange plot, etc.--I liked it.

Have you read anything this summer that you would recommend?


  1. I think summer will end before I get to the bottom of my reading list :(

  2. I don't read a lot of non-fic either but As You Wish was fun. I actually did the audiobook so it was fun to hear all the little anecdotes told by many of the original actors (wasn't all Cary Elwes). But I think there were photos, too, so I missed those!

  3. My reading has practically come to a halt. It's sad. I'm reading so much school stuff right now and I'm up to my eyeballs in school work. I need to fix this. :)

  4. I know. I just had to return library books that I had renewed and still not been able to finish in time. Boo.
