
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Videos to Use with Your Students

We all know we have pockets in our day-5 minutes until we get ready for lunch, 10 minutes before it's time to go home. And because I believe in using every minute of the day, one way I like to fill that time is by using video clips. Animated clips can be used to teach making inferences, others just to educate about science or math applications in real world settings.

I wanted to share my favorite places to find video clips: -lots of different videos to choose from-some are more exciting to the kids than others-my students love the domino challenges. You can sign up for their weekly e-mails to see what is coming out new each week.

If you don't follow Terri at Engage Their Minds you really should! She is the best at finding videos to use with the kids. This is one post where she shares clips that have become staples in my classroom:

Ted Talks for Kids: - obviously you should always screen and make sure it's appropriate and relevant for your kiddos. My students loved the one on using digital photography to photograph the minute things in the scientific world-including mites that live on your eyelashes! They were also impressed with the 12 year old who created a very popular app all by himself.

Tumblebooks-most public libraries give members access to this site-you just have to enter in your ID number. We watch the Robert Munsch stories over and over again.

There was a time when showing "movies"in class was frowned upon and YouTube was even blocked in our district. Luckily, the times have changed and there is wisdom in using video clips to add some flavor to our lessons.

1 comment:

  1. That first site looks awfully interesting. Thank you for the suggestions. I believe every minute counts too!
