
Friday, May 4, 2018

Student Evaluations with the Little Ones

I am always looking for ways to grow, for ways to be better. I look to my colleagues, my administrators, my tribe for feedback and suggestions. I also look to my students. When they are young, it's often not as easy as just asking for their opinions-they have more difficulty understanding this process and putting their reflections on paper. So this is how I do it-I asked them to answer a few questions for me and their answers give me so much valuable information. I ask them:

My teacher always __________________.

My teacher likes ___________________.

My teacher always says _____________.

My teacher smells like ______________. (to lighten it up a little bit).

I like when my teacher _______________.

I do not like when my teacher _____________.

Now it takes courage to ask your students these questions. I cringed at some of the answers. I am a very loud person-so just me saying "everyone sit down in your seats" is considered "yelling" or "screaming" in their eyes. I learned this year that I need to focus on having more patience and using a lower voice when I need to fuss at them. I have the rest of the school year to improve in that area.

On the plus side, they know I like kids. They know I always read books. Almost everything I say is positive.

Be brave and take a pulse of your classroom throughout the year-the outcomes may surprise you!

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