
Friday, October 26, 2018

Words Matter

I read a book years ago and I wish I could quote it, but I don't remember the title. The author was talking about how our students pick up on our words. There are ways to frame things in a positive manner. One of my pet peeves is how everyone on campus goes around on Fridays saying "thank goodness it's Friday" or "it's finally Friday". That happened today and one of my students asked me why teachers care so much about Fridays. How do I tell this child that it's because they can't wait for the weekend when they don't have to be here. 

Since I'm airing my pet peeves, I'm going to talk about another one that bothers me. Let me preface this by saying I have never been a run out of school at the final bell type of person. I actually do several after school clubs, I volunteer to help out with Literacy Nights or programs in the evenings. And when I do leave shortly after dismissal it's because I have to go to the library before it closes or to the grocery store before it gets busy to get what I need for tomorrow's science experiment. I have had teachers make comments to me like "you are always leaving early" or "oh I didn't think you would still be here". First of all, my leaving at the allowed dismissal time doesn't affect these teachers at all. It's not like they are stuck with my students or something-everyone is gone. And secondly, your implication is that I am not as dedicated as you are because I am leaving before you are. Personally, I'd rather sit on the couch with my puppy and my laptop and work on lesson plans instead of sitting at school on my computer. I also get less distracted that way.

I think we judge each other too much in life and also in a school building. Our words can build people up or it can tear them down. I think we should be setting a positive example for our kiddos.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. I have a long commute after school so I leave right after the kids. I always worry that people are judging me, but I do work from home.
