
Friday, October 2, 2020

Details: Changing the Setting

Continuing our work on using Details from Kaplan's Depth and Complexity this week. We read a different version of Cinderella every day. We read:

Cinderella set in space (love that in the end she turns down the marriage proposal to do the work she loves).

Mexican Cinderella story

set in Africa

Set in a chicken coop

Set in Alaska

So we discussed how the setting of these stories determined a lot of the details. And if we changed the setting some things changed but some things remained the same (attending a ball, living happily ever after). After that discussion, I asked the students to write where their own Cinderella story would take place.

Here are their Pear Deck responses:

New York (complete with the Statue of Liberty)

on a peaceful river

Halloween themed

Haunted House

Halloween themed

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