
Saturday, November 14, 2020

You Are Not Alone

So I usually just post activities, books that I use in the classroom but I felt a need to write this post today. 2020 has been a crazy year to say the least. I am active on social media and daily read posts from teachers who are not okay. They are stretched thin and have to deal with feeling ineffective every day. There are so many TikToks of teachers just crying on their lunch breaks it really is heartbreaking. Every time I see a post telling teachers to remember self-care I want to scream! When?! I don't even have time to read anymore. :(

In our district we are still doing a hybrid model. Half my students attend face-to-face and half attend virtually. I am expected to teach all those students the same way at the same time. It has been a challenging adjustment. I spend about 3 hours every evening and about 7 hours on the weekend planning-creating content to include my virtual learners, contacting families to answer questions, grading the work submitted and creating assessments. I create my entire day's lessons in a Pear Deck so my virtual kids can also check for understanding throughout the day. 

Then this past week we were required to administer what we call "Snapshot Tests". These are tests that the whole district gives so they can compare your class to other classess around the community. We had to again do this in person and virtually-reading, math and even writing (the rubric said to look for capitals and punctuation-they were typing responses, they are not skilled in making captials on the keyboard. *sigh* ). My 1st Graders had to login, click 4 different buttons to submit. We are also doing high frequency word testing at the same time.

It has been a week! Then yesterday I received feedback from admin's walkthroughs and it was literally a checklist of 12 things-I only got like 2 checks. I don't have enough anchor charts and sentence stems posted. I don't have enough student work posted. My word wall is not caught up with the vocabulary we are teaching. *sigh*  I am not an emotional person but I cried on the drive home on Friday. I just feel like I am doing so much and it's still not enough.

Now please don't just dismiss this as someone complaining. It's not. I started a Sunshine Committee at my school (which is going to be a 2 person committee because I couldn't get anyone else to sign up) and I am planning morale booster activities. My point is if you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, not good enough--you are not alone. If you are an administrator please, please take it easy on your staff right now. What you should be asking them is how can I support you? What do you need from us? Not you are not doing enough. This is not sustainable. We will not survive at this pace if there is no support.

Thank you for listening and I wish you calm, support and encouragement as we navigate these waters. Our students need us.


  1. You are such an inspiration to many people. I bet you are an extraordinary teacher and person. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Awww thank you so much. I really appreciate that. :)
