
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Teacher Survey for Young Kiddos

I survey my parents and students often. I feel like this is important to guide our instruction. What do they feel like is working and what needs to be tweaked. The problem is when you work with young kids they LOVE everything! It's very hard to get an honest answer from them about what is not working. So instead we do a writing activity with targeted questions:

What does your teacher like? ---So if their answers are a student's name or behavior that is a problem for me. 

What does your teacher not like?--Again, they usually name behaviors but I can tell how positive our classroom environment is by what those behaviors are.

My teacher always says....?  If these are negative things then I know I'm not working hard enough to develop our classroom culture.

My teacher believes....?   This one confused some of my students. They were like "Jesus"? But when I explained I think they came up with some interesting answers.

I don't make a big deal about not eating meat but I have 2 vegetarians in our class so if someone starts giving them a hard time, I jump in with guess what-that's me too.

Always says: "I am trying to listen to other people"-this refers to our hybrid class right now. Trying to hear the kids at home when the kids in class are talking.

Love that she knows I like her! :)
Does not like: playing with sticks (this refers to our recess rules)
Always says: don't be noisy
Believes: unicorns are not real

Likes teaching
Always says: I'm a boogerbear (that's what I affectionately call them)

likes: when everybody gets done
always says: go to the Pear Deck

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