
Sunday, June 6, 2021

This Has Been Some Year!

March of 2020 we found out very suddenly that there would be no in-class sessions for the rest of the school year. We were thrown for a loop. Didn't know even where to start with virtual classes. I recorded rudimentary videos that I posted with Google Classroom activities. I had about 3 students who logged in regularly to complete them. But I felt helpless in encouraging more participation-I work in a Title 1 school, my families didn't even all have devices or internet service. We treaded water for the last 3 months and made a pledge to figure out something better for the fall.

I was incredibly lucky because I looped with my students. Even though we were fully virtual for the first 6 weeks, I already knew the students and their families. Now that we were 1st Graders, grades mattered. I spent a lot of time over the summer watching webinars and playing with programs that could help my students submit work virtually. I discovered Pear Deck and Blooket-they were staples to help keep my kids engaged this year.

Many students worked hard. Many students made incredible progress. It was very difficult for me to keep my virtual students engaged and several would only login for an hour a day. My administration did monthly walkthroughs and we were sent e-mails with a list of things we were doing wrong. For the first time in my career my final evaluation had 2's (needs improvement). They didn't understand that we couldn't apply the same standards for in-class teaching to hybrid classes. I was very proud of the successes my students had this year. Their district test scores were above our campus and district average. They learned how to navigate digital resources and now can even take a screenshot and make it their background completely independently.

It was a tough year for sure. But in all the talk about gaps and learning loss, we need to remember there were huge gains as well. I congratulate all teachers who muddled their way through this year.

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