
Monday, February 13, 2023

Valentine's Day Rigor

Valentine's Day is a favorite holiday for the kids, not so much for teachers. :) Sugared up, excited students make it hard to get anything done.

Here are some ways to incorporate higher level thinking skills in your Valentine's Day activities.

1) S.C.A.M.P.E.R.-if you are not familiar with it, SCAMPER is an acronym: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Another Use, Reverse

How can we do this with Valentine's Day-a new use for an envelope, make the heart shape into something new. Combine Valentine's Day with another holiday-what does that look like-heart shaped jack-o-lanterns for example. Adapt Valentine's Day celebrations for cities with no mail or a celebration at the beach.

Depth and Complexity:

Rules for Valentine's Day-what is always true?

Trends-valentines haven't changed much over the years-do some research together and analyze those trends.

Multiple Perspectives: What is like to be a valentine-how does it feel, what would you see, what would you wish?

Ethics: Is it right to celebrate Valentine's Day even though everyone is not celebrated?

This is a great read aloud to start a discussion:

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