
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Creating Risk-Takers

I think I was in college when I had a very memorable conversation with my mother. I had been a tour guide and wanted to apply to be the Tour Guide Supervisor but was afraid I wouldn't get it. And she said "you have the biggest fear of failure I have ever seen in a person". My response, to her chagrin, was "who do you think made me that way?" :) Those words from her stung. I was too worried about what people would think to try things.

I also think a lot about an article I read that talked about how on playgrounds most parents encourage their boys to take risks and cajole their girls for doing the same. "Be careful", "that doesn't seem safe". I think about this as I plan lessons for my students. I want them to have the confidence to take risks. To fail and get back up but not being afraid to fail.

So how do we do this? I try to model it for my kids. I'm trying this new idea, we'll see if it works. Letting them know-I am presenting in a meeting today and I'm a little bit nervous but I'm going to do it anyway. This past year I had students be the teachers. For our warm-up in reading and math, they let the review. I saw a huge leap in confidence for the students who really embraced this.

Another way is to model it with stories. Here are my favorites:

Huge fan of Peter Reynolds, but this one is one of my favorites. Talks a lot about taking the risk of being yourself.

Fish wants Snail to come on adventures with it but Snail doesn't want to leave his place of comfort.

One of my favorite discoveries. Penguin has the soul of an eagle and wants to learn how to fly. It shows penguin trying, failing and not giving up. The last part is my favorite!

This book shows not only how to be brave and try but it also shows an amazing understanding dad who encourages without pushing.

Tree is supposed to lose his leaves but he doesn't want to take the risk to change. 

My favorite wordless book. Braving the ocean waves.

Beautiful story about kids using their imagination to fight boredom. Poetically written.

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