
Friday, May 4, 2012

Wordle Fun

So I should admit that I am a linguaphile at heart! (It's not as bad as it sounds-it just means I love words!). I always have. Even in high school I was making a list of words I wanted to learn and love when James Lipton asks the celebrities to tell him their favorite word.

I'm working on Teacher Appreciation door-hangers that my Student Council is making for our staff. (The kids came up with adjectives to describe their teachers). Anyway, I see a way to put a blog url in it and did it with my blog just for fun. I think it's really neat to see just the random words that describe what we've been doing in class recently.

Maybe I'm just weird, but I think that's really cool! We are doing a lot of Charlotte's Web and I see "project" and "chapter", "real-world" and then the important things like "dog" and "cupcake". I had fun with it! :)

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