
Thursday, April 11, 2013


Every month we do a class book to send home a piece of writing from every student on the same topic. I like it because you can really see progress as we go throughout the year. This is also my favorite topic to do. I want my kids to leave me with a real understanding of what it means to be inspired and with an answer to the question: who inspires you?

I am inspired by many people. Professionally I have a teammate who always has high expecations for her kids and raises the bar of achievement-I steal many ideas from her :). I am also inspired by many blogs that I read regularly. Life-wise my inspirations change quite often. I was watching a biography of Dolly Parton the other day-did you know she wrote her first song at 5 years old! She also wrote and recorded "I Will Always Love You" which became the song Whitney Houston made famous and is still writing songs even though she's over 60. And then there's the story I saw on the news this morning about a 6-year old who makes 25 cents per neighbor pulling trash cans out to the curb (I would so pay that, I hate that task, especially rainy days like today). Talk about being motivated to work!

I asked the kiddos to talk about who inspired them and love to see the people they remember learning about throughout the year and even their personal thoughts -like writing about mom! :)

Dentists inspire me because she helps people.

My cat....because when I run he chases me and that's smart.


Who inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. You have some hilarious students! Thanks for sharing.

