I know it's early to think about already-but I'm in a reflective mood. I think teachers are on a different calendar than everyone else, our New Year's seems to be in August. It just doesn't seem to be a new year going back to the same class and same munchkins. I do however have some resolutions for myself and how I want to focus my time the last 1/2 of the school year. It was actually kind of a hard task for me to do, to put it in writing:
Linking up with Teaching Maddeness:
1) We need to get better at our transitions. I think the kiddos are getting a little too comfortable-thinking about bringing in some Whole Brain Teaching ideas.
2) Reading groups-between standardized testing, one-on-one testing, progress monitoring testing and the general schedule changes that come along with the looming holiday-I just didn't get to enough of my reading groups for guided reading the last few weeks before vacation. This is a key time to build those fluency and comprehension strategies-so I must get on the ball!
3) Flipped classroom-I still want to try to implement some of these ideas. Still trying to figure out how to do it technologically and also with early childhood kiddos.
4) Do more projects! This group came in a little lower academically than previous groups so it was a big focus on the basics for the 1st few months. Now that they are writing and thinking creatively, I think we're ready for more projects.
5) Planning-I was going to really plan better this year--that has not happened. I still find myself treading water and doing what needs to be done for tomorrow instead of looking more long-term.
There you have it....my goals for the new year. What are some of your resolutions?