I facilitate a book club for students at my school. One year we had a wordless book on our list. A staff parent sent it back with a note saying "this wasn't challenging enough for my child". I was so surprised an educator would not see the value in wordless books.
So every year I try to do at least a week of reading wordless books to my students. Some of my favorites are:
We use depth and complexity to analyze the books.
* Multiple perspectives-how would it feel to be a wordless book? Would you be jealous of books with words?
* Rules-what is always true about wordless books?
* Big Idea-what is the author trying to teach us? Was that easy or hard for them to convey that message?
And then their favorite part-they get to write their own books. It amazes me how they start implementing the dream bubbles and expressions on their faces. These are Kinder students.