
Saturday, April 2, 2011

1st Grade Memoirs

This summer while shopping at Lakeshore, I found these blank hardcover books. I thought they would be a great activity for my little authors. This past month they have been working on their autobiographies. They are after all, always making comments like, "that was the best day in my whole life", or "when I was a kid I used to"...:)

 Each student made an outline listing 10 important things that have happened in their lives so far and included a page about what the future holds. I also encouraged them to come up with a creative title-I didn't want them all to be "My Life". It was really hard for some of them to sequence events from when they were really little.They worked on it a little at a time for several weeks. We invited the parents in to hear them read their masterpieces at our Author's Tea last week. Some titles I loved were: The Last Baby, Heights and Ages, The Life Cycle of...., The Wonderful Journey.

Here are some of my favorite pages:

The child loves sushi now too by the way.

So sweet.

Of course, I'm glad she thinks we are learning "Big Things". I love the captions.

The sentence there is similar to the leveled readers we use. And don't I look pretty! :)

"I hope my mom doesn't have any more babies".
She does have 2 brothers, so I can kind of understand her reasoning here.

Again, love the caption labeling her lab coat. She's going to invent a cell phone that makes 200 calls in one call. Wow!

I had to twist this student's arm to even make an illustration-not really into the creative things. But I love how he phrased it as "I met my Mom and Dad".

So cute!

I love the details in the illustration. And this student struggles in math, so that she still loves it warms my heart too.

Isn't that just like a baby to lie around on their birthday!

I think they enjoyed making them and some really got into all the illustrations, some didn't and that's ok.  Hopefully they will keep it and be able to look back on it when their older. From the mouths of babes....

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