
Friday, February 14, 2014

We Survived....

Valentine's Day ( or Valentime's as so many of kiddos insist on saying!).

We had to finish up assessments, so I felt like a bit of a Grinch today. I didn't even get anything they could make a snack with like I usually do. We made strawberry smoothies last year-although I think I made them too healthy because many of the kids didn't like it!

This is a picture of me one of my students drew in Art class:

Does that sum up how teachers feel on Valentine's day or what?! And on a Friday and during a full moon no less! Yes, that is probably how I looked at some points today, the kiddos were just so fired up. Last year, I just had kids make cards for a nursing home, so no card exchanges. No muss, no fuss. This year we spent about an hour on them just passing out their cards. *sigh*

This was the highlight of the day for some of them:

I do think it's sweet that the cafeteria catered to the holiday a bit.

Overall, a pretty uneventful Valentine's Day. This was my favorite student gift:

Hard to read but it says Happy Valentine's Day to the best teacher ever. Nothing beats a homemade card that someone put thought into! :)

Hope everyone else has survived the, to figure out what theme I want to use for next week! :)


  1. I am digging the heart-shaped chicken fried steak! Thanks for sharing ... have fun planning for next week. The fact that it's Presidents' Day week might help.


    1. I totally used your President's Day idea! Thank you!

  2. I love that picture of you. Looks remarkable like me as well. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
