
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Principal Perspective

We've been talking about authority figures in Social Studies, so I thought it would be fun to have the kids write from the perspective of a school principal. Not so much what you would do, but how it would feel, what would be difficult, etc. I just loved some of their answers:

I will dream to be rich! :)

...[I would] order tickets to the Texans game because I got bored at work. :) will be annoying. It will feel different.

It will be harsh.

It is hard because I have to check the cameras.

I would go into my room and tell them to "get in here"!

I will have fun because I could put them in detention.

I would give attention to the students and respect all the students.

I would hope I don't get any bad notes.

I will park wherever I want and run in the school. I will let anybody take a pet [to school].

I would tell my guards what to do.


  1. Their writing is amazing! I'm jealous...I have students who are not able to write their names! Lots of playdo and Lego action going on in my room at the moment. :-) fine-motor development

    1. Well, you know these are the 1st Graders I moved up with--so don't be too jealous! :)

  2. These are so funny! What interesting ideas they have about the job of a principal! I hope you showed these to your own principal!

    1. I did! :) I think she got a kick out of them as well. I know their view of the job is so funny to me--we don't even have any kinds of guards so I don't know if they are envisioning it's like the job of the Queen or something! :)

    2. I was kind of wondering what kind of school you've got over there - guards, cameras, etc... Is there a moat, too? :)

    3. I know right? I love the idea of a moat-might have to suggest that at the next meeting! :)

  3. way of expessing their ideas!

  4. How fun! We just got a fabulous new principal...maybe they should write advice letters.

    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. Oooh, I like that idea! It's always interesting to hear what their advice is for people! :)
