
Monday, January 14, 2013

If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Were Alive Today....

My favorite book about MLK is Martin's Big Words. Discovery Education has the story in its library if you have access to that site. Being a word-lover myself, I really can relate to the concept of how Big Words can influence people. It's just a really beautiful story.

So anyway, I asked my students to imagine that Martin had not died in the '60's. If he were alive today, what impact would he be making on society. Here's what they came up with-sorry, the pics didn't come out very well:

He would pray for us.

Help people not be rude to each other.

He is still a good man.

Use his words.

You can tell what's on this little kiddos mind! He had just lost his first tooth :)

He would be smart.

Help people be better at school.